Miscellaneous Tech Thoughts

published April 2nd 2023

absolutely expect this sucker to get updated over time. it's miscellaeneous tech thoughts baby!

kinda sucks that the majority of communication online isn't secure and private, especially in regards to email and sms. the main reason why people haven't switched over to secure options is 1) convenience and 2) deliberate obfuscation by corporations and the like :/

in a similar vein there aren't many small phones or "dumbphones"/feature phones focused on privacy. the punkt phone has signal messaging and there are some dumbphones that use oses that aren't android, but most just use an android skin with no other privacy adjustments. i saw somewhere that the best alternative would be to simply use a privacy-focused phone with only the apps you need which honestly seems like a pretty good idea. if you only want privacy-focused apps then that takes out many of the apps that you wouldn't want on a dumbphone (social media, for example). however to my knowledge there's nothing really like this for phones in smaller size/profiles. you could flash lineageos onto a unihertz jelly 2? not sure what you would do for a flip phone if it didn't have android

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